1. Each day, you're driving down the highway of life. Do you know where you're going? You should, because that's the reason you're on the road. You have a reason to be driving on the highway and there is a destination you're headed toward. But the destination is not as important as how you take the journey. The journey is better when you keep your eyes on the road ahead. This is equivalent to being present and focusing on the moment you are in right now. All kinds of negative things can happen if you don't keep your eyes on (the present) the road. You can crash into the car in front of you or an obstacle in the road. If the road bends, and you're not aware of it, you go off the road. Staying on the road is the most important thing while driving. Being in the present moment is the most important thing you can do in life. 2. Notice the rear view mirror right in front of you? It is useful to look into it when reversing but it is not as useful ...
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants