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Showing posts from October, 2011

Ujinga ni.........

This is the question from Year 2001 Harvard's Science Research Use of calculator is prohibited The question is....If 1 = 5 2 = 25 3= 125 4 = 625 5 =? ... . . . . . . . . Answer at the bottom . . . . . . Answer is =1 Have u forgotten 1=5? Got it wrong? ..No wonder MOST of us did not get into Harvard !!!

Christine Scott Akisa This One is For You

A guy walks into a bar and orders a shot of whisky. He gulps it down and peeks into his shirt pocket. He orders another shot of whisky, gulps it down and peeks into his short pocket. He orders a third shot and does the same thing. After the sixth shot, he asks the bartender for the bill, pays and starts to walk out. Curiosity gets the better of the bartender and he says to the guy, "Excuse me, but I noticed that every time you drank a shot, you kept looking into your pocket. I was wondering what's in your pocket." The guy slurs, "Well, I have a picture of my wife in my pocket. I keep drinking until she starts to look good."