This is the question from Year 2001 Harvard's Science Research
Use of calculator is prohibited The question is....If
1 = 5
2 = 25
3= 125
4 = 625
5 =?
Answer at the bottom
Answer is =1
Have u forgotten 1=5?
Got it wrong?
..No wonder MOST of us did not get into Harvard !!!
INTERESTING OBSERVATION WITH BALLS!! 1 The sport of choice for the urban poor is SOCCER. 2 The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BASKETBALL. 3 The sport of choice for front-line workers is RUGBY . 4 The sport of choice for supervisors is CRICKET. 5 The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS. And.... 6 The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF. THE AMAZING CONCLUSION: The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become. There must be a ton of people in the Government playing marbles..........